
Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Lenhof

Teaching Assistant

Prerequisites Important

Conditions for Certificate


Registration is closed! Please note that you can no longer register for this seminar as the maximal number of participants has been reached.

In order to participate in the seminar you are required to attend the first meeting.
There the topics are distributed. No prior reservation is possible.
Due to the corona pandemic, the first meeting will be held via Zoom. If you like to participate, please register via mail (teaching@bioinf.uni-sb.de).
After you received a topic, please confirm your participation in the seminar until February 17th, 2023 via mail to teaching@bioinf.uni-sb.de.
Also, you have to register officially in HISPOS until March 3rd, 2023.

First meeting
Friday, February 10th, 2023, starting at 15:30 s.t.
Topic confirmation
Friday, February 17th, 2023
Deadline HISPOS
Friday, March 3rd, 2023
1st deadline slides
2st deadline slides
March 28th, 2023, starting at 9:00 s.t.

Checklist for slides

Example presentations

  • Example 1 (30 minute presentation!)
  • Supplementary material

    1. Checklist to prevent Plagiarism
    2. Turnitin
    3. How to give a great scientific talk (Nature)
    4. How to give a dynamic scientific presentation (Elsevier)
    5. The Craft of Scientific Presentations (Michael Alley)